Jan 10, 2013

Dec 1st, 2012 The Mannam Canned Food Drive with Warriors

Donation from Mannam Warriors

Alden and Brandon gave us their hearts to us, because they couldn't attend in field. Even they couldn't come with us but I was really really touched by them. They prepare for Children who needs help. I think we all need to learn this attitude. Not only just thinking, reminding or talking, but also "doing" and "acting". And also I thought they really have Mannam Spirit. That's why I am always proud of our warriors basketball team!

In the video, we can find our Mannam Warriors members! Mike, Hindson and Jiyoung! (Steven, Yeonsoo and Me were there too but not in there haha). In that day, there was free concert. As you saw it, there are lots of great singers, dancers and instrument Players! Awesome! They are almost mannam members. I think there's a lot of talented persons~
After we did donation and watched the performances, we decided to eat Something hot! Because it was cold, haha. So, our members came to JJAM-PPONG (짬뽕 in Korea) Restaurant. It was really cheap and nice. Actually, some menu was very very hot, but we had fun together.

After all these events, i felt some warm thing in my mind. I realized that, there are lots lots of people who still preserves their own warm-hearts. I believe we can achieve the really peace in the world, through Mannam Association, and Mannam Warriors!

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