Feb 7, 2013

Feb 2nd, 2013 MANNAM Warriors Members like Big Family

Last Saturday of MANNAM Warriors, There are like 16 players(All Boys), 2 Managers and 2 Observer(Actually all girls) :->  It made me feel like a big, huge family. Because, as the time goes by, we have become more comfortable , and feel close more than before. 
 It's just like when we went to Elementary School. That time(Maybe it's only for my experience in Korea), we usually feel strange to everyone in same class. We don't know each at all. We haven't met before(=No MANNAM :P). But after a few weeks later, lots of children became good friends, before they even noticed.

Anyway, this time it was very funny. Especially, When we are eating 김치찌개(Kim-Chi Soup) together! The game was fun and enjoyable, but I felt more happiness when we were eating haha. Not only because I was Super Hungry, but also because we gathered and talked about ourselves, feeling comfortable. It was huge change. A few months ago, we had only 6~10 players each weeks, but now we got many new family MANNAM Member, like 12~18 players each weeks! It's huge improvement, isn't it? :D I feel great for this reason. 

With all this thankful things, I want our all MANNAM Warriors Basketball Club Members feel exactly same with me! haha. I hope really do. So, even players go back to their motherland, we can keep contacting and talking. Having a good relationship, is much valuable meaning in our life. I hope we can have that treasure, and eventually we can share it for all people who loves basketball and peace! 

It's cold in Korea. Keep yourself warm. Good Night!

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